Apr 6, 2021
Listing to sell your home is a big decision, and there could be many reasons why you may need to take this step.
One important question you should ask yourself is what plan should I have to get everything in proper order to list my property and make it desirable to prospective buyers. Speaking with a real estate professional will help you assess the value of your home. This will give you an idea of what comparable properties are in your area and what you can expect to sell your home for. They will also know the market conditions and be able to help you put a successful plan together.
Here are a few things you should discuss before putting your property up for sale. Some of them may cost some money upfront but could increase your final sale price.
Declutter your home and depersonalize your home
List any minor repairs that need to be done
Consider a fresh coat of interior/exterior paint if needed
Are your fixtures outdated and need replacing
Would you benefit from a home stager or designer
Does the exterior of your home require repairs or maintenance
Do you need professional pictures and/or a virtual tour
These considerations are all things that can help your home sell faster. Having a look at the current housing market will help you answer these questions and figure out the best plan of action. We encourage you to speak to a real estate professional you trust, listen to what they have to say and ask them any questions that you might have.
What are the costs included with selling?
Trying to do simple math in this situation can often miss lead you. Doing quick calculations with what you think your property might sell for and then subtracting your mortgage and the rest is profit is likely not all there is to it. Here’s a list of costs you want to remember when doing your calculations.
Real estate commissions plus tax
Mortgage closing fees and penalties
Lawyer or notary fees
Utilities and property tax account settlements
Hiring movers and/or storage fees
Figuring out the exact figures of all these costs will help you make the best decision possible. One of your biggest questions here that you need answered prior to making your plan is your potential mortgage penalty if you break your existing mortgage before your term is up. Contact us anytime if you need help figuring out this exact number.
What is my plan for the future?
If it’s time to sell your home, for whatever your reasons might be, make sure you have a plan that is full of truth instead of assumptions. Moving from your existing property to a new property, you must work through your mortgage financing details ahead of time.
Resting on the fact that you have qualified in the past for a mortgage does not always mean you will currently qualify. A lot can change in a short amount of time, and you will want to know exactly what you can qualify for before you sell your current property. Give us a call so we can talk through all your options. We would love to work with you, and give you every bit of advice you need to move forward with confidence.